Yellow Springs & Clifton Mill
On Friday I was talking with a co-worker about my trip to Maine this summer and somehow Yellow Springs came up in the conversation. I grew up not far from Yellow Springs and would go there often when me and my brothers were young because we all collected comic books and our store of choice, Darkstar Comics, is in Yellow Springs.

Plus, it has Antioch College, some good restaurants and John Bryant State Park. So, not having anything of real importance to do on Sunday, I decided to drive down to Yellow Springs for a visit. The last time I was there was sometime last year when I was bored and had the urge to drive one day. It's not a far drive though, just about 45-60 minutes from Columbus, depending on speed.
On the way into Yellow Springs I passed Young's Dairy on SR68. It's been a number of years since I've been there but I didn't stop this time. I will have to go later this spring or summer when it's a little warmer and have some of their awesome ice cream. Yellow Springs itself is a nice little town. It's pretty much the same now as I remember it being years ago with a few cosmetic changes. Darkstar is still nice, although the comic selection seems smaller than I remember and the normal book section seems larger. But then the last time I regularly went in there was about 12 years ago and comics were still a huge thing back in the early 90's. Like I mentioned in my personal blog, I still have my signed copy of Mr. T & the T-Force that I had signed by Mr. T himself at Darkstar when the first issue came out in '93.

It was only a 25 mph zone but still. That's nice.

I think I'm going to make more trips back when I get bored at home. There's still a lot of items on the Tavern menu that I'd like to try plus there's a Chinese restaurant that I don't remember being there previously (I could be mistaken though) that I'd like to try out. Oh, and of course there's Ha Ha Pizza. One of my cousins was actually opening for Richie Havens tonight at Peach's Bar & Grill but I had forgotten about it...and tickets were $25. He was actually in Columbus yesterday but I forgot about that too. He'll be back in Yellow Springs on the 14th at Peach's and cover is only $8, so I should do that.

Well, that's about it. I've got to get to planning more of the Maine/N.S. trip soon and start the actual creation of my website now that I've written out my plans and sketches. Soon.