Greetings from Boothbay Harbor, Maine!
Good evening!

I'm sitting out on the Boothbay Public Library entrance typing this entry because, luckily, they have public access Wi-Fi! Very convenient so I may be able to actually update part of my review area tomorrow. Anyway, it's late now as it is and I've got some planning to do and some groceries to buy and still a lot of sleep to get so I'll just make this short and sweet.

The trip so far has gone well with no problems. The stay in Hartford at the Mark Twain Hostel was nice. The weather has been wonderful so far. I have to say that Boothbay Harbor is very beautiful but it is a perfect example of a place that I don't mind visiting but I would not want to live here. Nothing but tourists for most of the summer and autumn? No thanks.

Anyway, the Lakeview Inn is nice too. Like their website says, the rooms do offer a great sunset view. We did go out on a whale watch trip today and that was really fun. I have a bunch of photos that I'll eventually get up on my gallery. Maybe not until Bar Harbor or home though. We'll see how time goes.
Well, that's it for now. I hope these couple photos will hold you off until I can get around to putting up more.
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